Sunday 12 May 2013


So we are looking to start weaning Mia soon onto solid food! She will be 6 months in a couple of weeks so I have been shopping and bought her 

This book was bought for us by a friend at our baby shower.

It gives you lots of a recipe ideas

It gives you step by step guides to food groups and what to feed your growing baby

We bought the Tommee Tipee bowl and storage pots. These were half price in Tesco and cost us £2.99 for the pots and £2.50 for the bowl.

Any advice or tips you have about weaning I would love to hear them. Please leave them in the comment box below...


  1. I really enjoy reading your blogs! They are straight to the point! With my baby girl I gradually introduced food by first just giving her a jar for a couple of weeks and she ate more and more and then I introduced breakfast to her, she's nearly 6 months now and I've been gradually giving her food since about 4 months! Xx

    1. Hi Beth,
      Thanks for your comment I'm really pleased you enjoy my blog :)
      I'm so scared to introduce food and I really don't know why?! I have some mango and apple purée pouches I was given at the baby show in February so maybe I will try those first. Did you start with giving your baby solids at lunch or dinner?

    2. I've just realised our daughters were born the same day, weighed the same and my daughter was born at 6:14am so 10 minutes apart hahaa. And at dinner around 4-5pm, I just have her half a jar and then let her eat as much as she wanted but she was still having all her bottles and the same amount. Now she was breakfast and at dinner she has normally half a jar of dinner and a full pudding!

    3. That's really helpful. Thanks. I may start her on some purée at dinner time this week then :) that's so cool about our daughters being born on the same day, nearly the same time and weighing the same! Don't tell me you had an emergency c-section too? Lol.

    4. Hahaa nope I had a naturally delivery with just had and air hahaa x
