Sunday 31 August 2014

Organising Mia's books and room

love how we have made Mia's room as cute as we have. The biggest problem is as Mia gets older she accumulates more toys and this is turn leads to lack of storage! Mia has a loads of books. We had a lot given to us by family friends who's children had grown out of them and quite a few were mine as a child too. Mia loves books. She would sit and have you read to her all day if she could! She has a shelf downstairs full of books and a shelf in her bedroom full of books. We also have a shelf in our hall which has books on which are a little too grown up for her at the moment. 

Today I organised her bookshelf in her room. 

Above her books is her peter rabbit collectables, again the hexagonal money box, cup and first two sets of books were mine. We bought Mia the other money box for her first Christmas, my sister bought Mia the puddleduck when she was born and the large peter rabbit book collection was bought by Mia's great grandmother for Christmas. I wanted to move these to the top shelf as I am worried about the ornaments getting broken. 

This is the view of the bookshelf from afar. I feel like I need to organise her toys somehow and make them neater but it's not easy when the roof of her room slopes and therefore there isn't many places to put storage units. 

This so the one storage unit I have in her room which contains instruments, her wooden train, shape sorting toys and miscellaneous toys. I wish I could fit another one somewhere in the room but at the moment there is no space!

Once we stop using this changing unit more space will become available for another toy storage unit. 

I have thought about moving the bed to free up some wall space but because of the sloping ceilings there's really no where to move the bed too! 

If anyone has any clever storage solutions please let me know! 

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