Sunday 1 June 2014

Budgeting for your Toddler

I am always looking for ways to cut our outgoings. One of the ways I manage to
cut our spends down is by keeping up to date with current offers, in store events and online deals on things like nappies, wipes and baby food. 

I would never buy nappies at full price. I recently bought 2 boxes of 74 nappies for Mia from Asda for £19.99. These boxes usually retail at £14.99 per box so I effectively saved myself £10 by waiting and stocking up on nappies when Asda had their baby event. I try to buy a few boxes so that it lasts us until there is another baby event. 

Wipes is another item that can become expensive if you're not savvy. We use wipes a lot, not just for nappy changes but also to clean Mia's face after a meal, wipe her hands etc. This is not the most savvy way to use wipes but because we're out the house so often it's just easier. Again, I buy wipes only when they're on offer. You can get wipes from any supermarkets baby event reasonably priced. I actually picked up this box from
Bookers (if you don't know what bookers
is, it's a wholesalers for shops and businesses) I got a box of 6 for £2.99. 

I am a little fussy with wipes. I won't use any other brand. I love Huggies wipes and think that they are the best. 

The other big monthly outgoing is Mia's food/snacks. She's never eaten baby jars, she eats whatever we eat so it's not
so much the food but more the snacks and breakfast also. She enjoys the cow and gate museli which is quite expensive at £2.48 in Tesco. Again, Asda's baby event sells these at 3 packs for £5. 

We also stock up on her other snacks during these events such as the baby rice cakes, baby biscuits etc. 

I think Asda currently does the best baby event for overall value, the nappies and food are always at a really good price. However I have never found good deals in Asda for wipes. I have found good deals on wipes in Tesco and Bookers. 

I have also started buying bits for Christmas for Mia (early I know!) Whenever I go shopping if there are any sales on I will have a quick look and get anything that I think I won't be able to get cheaper. We have decided we want to get Mia a play kitchen for Christmas and the other day I got her a trolley with play food as it was on offer. Doing this will mean I don't have a huge amount to buy in our November or December wages. It's also Mia's birthday in November so it's always an expensive few months. 

I love to hear about other peoples tips for budgeting and saving money :)

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