Monday 5 August 2013

Moving house with a baby

Moving house is stressful! even for the most organised of us. the packing, labelling boxes, unpacking at the other end, not to mention you will probably want to give your new pad a bit of a clean before putting all your things in as well! It's a huge job! 

When trying to entertain and organise a baby during a move get help! Seriously this is the best piece of advice I can give you! It's so stressful unpacking and loading/unloading cars & vans, add your baby demanding your attention and you might as well just leave the moving to your partner and concentrate on just looking after baby. If you have family or friends who are willing to help, use them! If like me, you still like to have your baby close by ask family to come with you to the new pad and look after baby there for you. That way baby is getting used to their new home and you are close by if they need you. 

Here are my top tips for moving house plus a few extras for moving with a baby:

1. Begin to pack boxes of bits you don't need straight away like spare handbags and shoes at least 2-3 weeks before your moving date. 

2. Label ALL boxes! You don't want to get to your new home and have to open up all your boxes to find out what's inside. If you label them you can take them to the appropriate room and then unpack them. 

3. Get as much help as possible with packing, loading and unpacking. 

4. If you have a baby or young child and have family or friends close by then use their help! 

5. Pack some toys and baby food for a few days in your handbag. The last thing you want to be doing on moving day is trying to cook for your child. You can prepare home cooked food in advance and freeze it for moving day. 

6. Take regular breaks. Drink tea, coffee, eat biscuits, chocolate, whatever you need to relax for a few minutes!

7. Be prepared for your new home to take a while before it resembles the home you dreamed of. Unpacking takes time. 

8. Ensure you bring essentials with you on moving day: loo roll, tea, coffee, milk, a kettle! 

9. If you have a baby or young child try to organise their room first. That way they can spend some time playing, napping in there before they have to sleep in there that night. 

10. Have fun! Moving house is an adventure and an exciting time however stressful! Don't forget to enjoy it! 

Add any tips you have in the comments. I'd love to hear them! 

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