Friday 19 April 2013

My Labour and Delivery Story

So I am not going to post any gruesome pictures of my labour and delivery, this post is just going to be me writing my story so if you like looking at photos too I apologise but I promise I will upload a new post with lots of photos soon!

It all started on a Monday (November 19th) I hadn't been feeling baby move as much as usual so we went into the hospital to be monitored. We sat on the machines for what seemed like an eternity and although they said everything looked OK they asked me to come back the next day to be monitored again.

 I went back on the Tuesday and was monitored again and although they had said the variability wasn't great - no one explains to you all the lingo you just accept what they tell you, they sent me home again.

By Wednesday evening (21st November 2012 - which actually was my due date!) I had been at work and had the worst headache of my life! I don't just mean a little niggling headache from being dehydrated or from staring at a computer screen for too long, a full blown migraine! I came home and took 2 paracetamols to try and ease the pain but nothing worked! I tried to sleep but it just wouldn't shift! It was horrendous! Anyway the next day I woke up and called my mum to tell her I was still suffering with this headache and she decided it would be a good idea to take me to the hospital just to check everything was OK because I was due now and I also hadn't been feeling the baby move as much as usual still. I was put on the machines again and now the midwives seemed concerned a the variability still wasn't great. They decided to keep me in overnight and induce me in the morning.

So now we are on Thursday 22nd November, I got given my own room after making a fuss about the snoring elephant in the maternity shared ward and was put back on the monitors. The midwives said Adam could stay with me and that they would induce me in the morning. They gave me a stretch and sweep - this is rather uncomfortable and unpleasant to say the least.....anyway not long after the stretch and sweep I started getting contractions, I told the midwife who told me it wasn't contractions as it wasn't showing up on the machine.....hmmmm well I was definitely feeling a new pain that wasn't pleasant! It got to 1:30am and the midwife told Adam he had to go home! I was so upset as I was still having these pains and left alone, scared and not knowing what was going to happen. By 3am they had decided to move me upstairs onto Labour ward as they were going to begin inducing me at 6am. I called Adam and my mum and told them to come back at 5am as they were going to break my waters at 5:30am ready to induce me at 6am. By 3:30am the Doctor came in and wasn't happy with the babies variability still on the monitor and told me she was going to break my waters there and then to get things moving. I had no one with me to support me and let me tell you breaking your waters hurts, not as much as contractions but it still hurts and it's very frightening when our alone and going into the unknown! She broke my waters and saw that there was very little fluid which I could tell worried her, she left the room to speak to her colleague. By the time she returned Adam and my mum walked in (thank goodness!) The doctors had decided I needed an emergency cesarean to get baby out as quickly as possible.

I don't remember much after this. I remember them giving me a sheet to sign which said something about if you die in surgery' 'if you need a hysterectimy' it was terrifying but to be honest I was in so much shock and in such a daze I really can't remember a lot. My mum came in with me as Adam didn't think he would be a good support as I think he was also in shock and he was worried about something happening to me or the baby. He actually ended up going outside and throwing up! The theatre was like a big space with bright lights and lots of medical professionals running around everywhere. I remember getting the spinal and it didn't hurt at all but it did give me the weirdest sensation in my legs - the only way I can describe it is like the consistancy of slush puppy (crushed ice) going down your spine into your legs. After that I lay there waiting to meet my baby. It didn't take lnog, maybe 5-10 minutes and she was here!

The midwise quickly showed her to me and then whisked her away to another room to weigh her and make sure her breathing etc was stable. She was perfectly healthy - thank goodness. She weighed 6Ib 2oz and was 19inches long! She was perfect!

Baby Mia was born on November 23rd at 6:26am!

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