Tuesday 6 January 2015

Happy New Year!

So it's the start of a new year and time to make a list of New Years resolutions that are sometimes kept and sometimes not...(most of the time only followed for a few weeks or months but I shall try my best to keep mine for the whole year!)

1. Be healthier

I'm pretty sure that this is probably the most common resolution every year for many people! I'm getting married this year so my main goal is to eat healthier, get active and lose some weight! I am planning on trying the 5:2 diet which involves 2 days of only eating 500 calories and the other 5 of eating the usual 2000 calories. Alongside this I want to ensure I eat 3 balanced meals a day (sometimes I snack too much and I would like to cut down snacking!) 

2. Save some pennies

This year I would like to try and save some pennies (I say pennies because Adam and I are not very practised in saving so even if we only saved £5 a month it's a start!) this also links in with another resolution I have made which is to stop buying Mia clothes! She has so many already and she really doesn't need anymore! 

3. Do not overdo it during the weekdays. 

As I am working in the afternoons I want to try to keep morning activities with Mia to just a few mornings a week. Before the summer 2014 Mia was doing an activity every morning which I loved! However it was just too exhausting! With Mia still waking at night and therefore living off broken sleep and not getting home until 7:30pm each night doing an activity every morning is just too much! So we are limiting our structured activities to Wednesday and Thursday each week (gymnastics and ballet) we will then do an activity on Tuesdays and Fridays if we are up for it (art and soft play) Mondays will be our day off and if we need to we will take Tuesday or Friday off. 

4. Try to spend more time as a couple. 

Since having Mia we haven't spent much time away from being parents. We have been to the cinema once in 2 years for example! This year I would like to try to do more together. Even if that means having someone watch Mia for a few hours during the day while we take a shopping trip or go to a theatre matinee in London. 

These are my New Years resolutions. I have tried to limit then to only 4 otherwise I think I would be unsuccessful at sticking to them if I had too many! 

What are your New Years resolutions? 

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