Thursday 8 January 2015

15 things kids born in the 80's will remember!

1. Gel pens, first it started with standard colours and then it evolved into glitter pens and smelly gel pens! It was imperative to have them all to be cool!

2. Tamagotchi - everyone had one, schools banned them and we loved them!

3. Yoyo - tricks like cats cradle, around the world and walk the dog, if you could do those you were super cool! 

4. Furby - 'I'm hungry' so annoying haha!

5. 'Who loves orange soda'

6. Pokemon 'gotta catch 'em all!'

7. 'Under the apple tree, my boyfriend said to me, kiss me, hug me, tell me that you love me, one, two three' this endless song in which you would eventually end up in the splits! 

8. You used to sit down as a family at 6pm to watch the Simpsons on sky one. There was no such thing as catch up tv and if you wanted to record something you had to use a VCR! 

9. Scrunchies were so cool!

10. Schott jackets and bomber/puffer jackets were the way forward! 

11. Bootleg shoes, pedal pushers, strap tops, big hoop earrings, Kickers, caps (especially ones with NYC on) adidas tracksuit bottoms, Baby G watches! 

12. Reebok classics were the trainers to
own and if you turned up to school in hi-tec you were automatically ridiculed!  

13. Sports days were actually competitive! There was a winner and there was a loser! There was none of this 'everyone gets a medal for taking part!' 

14. PSone was the most amazing gaming machine you had ever owned! Tomb raider, FIFA, Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot! 

15. Mobile phones did nothing bar text and call and your first one was massive! Like a brick! Then came the Nokia 3310 which everyone cool had to own and swap the cover constantly, the more covers you owned the cooler you were! 

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