Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Mia's 6 month update

I didn't know whether I was going to make monthly updates of Mia or not as I wasn't sure how involved she was going to be in my blog. I decided that I will start updates as its a nice way for me to log how she is doing and just because I am doing monthly updates doesn't mean I have to post pictures. I will however post a foot or other picture each month then at least its a snap shot of Mia but you just won't see her face. I know its nice to see proper monthly pictures and see how baby has changed  but I made a decision before Mia was born that I wasn't putting her on YouTube or my blog. I'm not judging anyone who does, its completely individual parents choices, it's just not for us personally.

So lets get started....

Mia turned 6 months on the 23rd May - this is late I know! Sorry! She has changed lots this last month and I'm beginning to see my little baby becoming more independent and mobile everyday!

She can now....

  • Sit up unaided! OK so the unaided part isn't completely true, she can sit up on her own and sometimes for a really long time but occasionally she will still flop over onto her side mostly. We are using a baby nest with her which is like a giant rubber ring so that she can play happily while I wash her bottles or prepare the changing bag for the day etc.
  • Roll over from front to back! This is a big change this last month. Mia can roll from her front onto her back. I will say she hates tummy time and doesn't enjoy being laid on her tummy so I think that actually helped her learn to roll quickly because she wanted to be laying on her back rather than her front. She can't roll from back to front yet but maybe that's just because she wouldn't want to? 
  • Use a sippy cup! Well sort of.....we actually bought her just a cheap basic sippy cup which she was quite good at but she did tend to get water everywhere! So what we have done is buy her one which has a teat on the end to help her learn how to tilt it up to get the water without it going all over the place!
  • Talk for England! OK so its not actually speech yet but it's a start. Mia gaggles and babbles for hours and hours. Adam even thinks she said 'dada' the other day. It still counts even if they don't understand that the sound 'dada' is her daddy doesn't it?
  • Eat solids! We started Mia on solids when she turned 6 months old. I know lots of people start weaning before this age but Mia just wasn't ready. She eats banana and apple puree, mango puree and strawberry puree. So far she has liked everything apart from melon.

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