
Thursday 25 September 2014

Mia 22 months update

I know I only uploaded Mia's 21 month update a few days ago! This is due to me completely forgetting to upload it at the end of August!! 

Mia turned 22 months on the 23rd September. The biggest change this month is her speech. She is now saying a lot of words. 


There are probably a few more I've forgotten. Mia is saying new words everyday! Which is really exciting but also shows her becoming a toddler and not a baby anymore!

Her hair has also grown loads and I can now finally put it in a small ponytail!

Mia has started ballet this month and loves it! The class she attends is really fun for the children and relaxed. 

She is still wearing age 6-12 month clothes but she can fit into a few 12-18 month now. It all depends on the shop. JoJo mamen bebe for example some of their clothes come up quite small so she can wear some 12-18. Mini boden clothes come up big so the 12-18are still   too big! 

We have also chosen a nursery for Mia for when she is 3. I am still quite nervous about this as I have had a lot of work experience in nursery settings when I was studying for my early years teacher status and saw terrible things like staff talking about very inappropriate topics in front of the children, not changing babies nappies as it wasn't the 'designated' time and staff sitting around gossiping rather than watching the children. I had a good feeling when I visited the nursery I have chosen for Mia so fingers crossed. 

Monday 22 September 2014

Mia 21 months

This post is so late! I didn't even realise I hadn't written Mia's update for August until today! I decided to do a quick update because it's nice as a memory for me to look back on her each month as she grows up. 

In the month of August not a lot changed. She started to play a little more independently. She still wears 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes and size 3 shoes. Mia's naps have been good this month as we have been home from work and therefore has been able to get into a good routine. She is sleeping from 1-3pm most days. 

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Toddler Ready Bed Review

I recently purchased a ready bed suitable for an 18month old to around 3 years from Argos for Mia to sleep in while at my work. From the photograph it looked brilliant, came with a duvet, pump and raised sides so she couldn't fall out. Thereviews  were also pretty good. The only negative ones being about problems pumping it up. This is what it looks like on the Argos website. 

So I took it to work and started trying to blow it up with the pump provided. It was pretty easy and only took a few minutes. We have now had this bed for a week and a half and I haven't needed to pump it up again yet! Which is a pretty big bonus if you ask me! It's quite big and Mia will probably fit in this until she is 4-5years old. It has a small pocket on the side for books or a spare dummy. The bottom sheet is cotton but the duvet part feels like a sleeping bag (I can't remember the name of the material!) she has slept in here twice so far for well over an hour and a half (at first it was all too exciting and new haha)

It costs £29.99 to buy which is pretty expensive but since we will use to so often it's definitely worth it. It would also be brilliant for camping or sleepovers. In the cold months another blanket may be needed as the duvet provided is quite thin. Overall I'm really pleased with it and would definitely recommend it to friends and family. 

Here are a few snaps of Mia enjoying her new bed! 

Monday 1 September 2014

Planning a budget wedding

With weddings costing upwards of £20,000 now! A figure which personally I think is extortionate and I would never spend that amount on a wedding! We have been planing our wedding and thinking about ways to save money. Here are a few tips I have if you are planning a wedding. 

1. DIY - do it yourself! Decorations, table covers, centrepieces etc. I'm going for a vintage theme with simple wild flower centrepieces and glass jars with tea lights. These are all things we can do without paying an outside company. Collect jars from food like pasta sauces and coffee. You don't necessarily have to have all the jars matching. We have bought some lace from a material wholesalers to decorate the jars with.


2. Flowers - if you can make your own bouquet this will save you a lot! We are trying to grow our own flowers but have a backup in place. Covent garden flower market is a great place to get your flowers from if you are planning on doing your own bouquets and flower arrangements. There are loads of YouTube videos on how to flower arrange. 

3. Food - if you can avoid having a sit down meal this will save you a lot of money. Especially if you have a large wedding with a lot of guests. We are having a fish and chip van come and our guests can go and get their own meals from the van. This is costing under £900 for 100 guests. Less than £9 a head. We are also thinking of having an ice cream van for dessert. This comes in at £280 to serve 100 ice creams. 

These are my first 3 tips which are the main three things we have been working on so far. I will do a separate post about finding a cheap venue as we have found a lovely venue for a very reasonable price.