When I was pregnant with Mia I had ideas of the kind of mum I wanted to be.
Some of the things I remember that I had decided were:
I wasn't going to cosleep.
I wasn't going to let her watch tv as a baby or toddler.
I wanted her to only eat fresh meals.
Since having Mia my idea on how to be a 'good' mum has changed.
We have co slept pretty much from birth. Co sleeping doesn't work for everyone and isn't something that everyone wants to try or do. We weren't planning on co sleeping it just kind of happened one night and we have enjoyed it every night since. I have a post about cosleeping safety if you want to check it out. If we were to have another baby would weco sleep again? Not necessarily. It has worked out this time around but I'm not anti cots or Moses baskets. Far from it. I believe every parent has the right to parent in the way that works best for them.
TV - this has definitely been something that I have battled with. Mia didn't watch any tv until 10 months old and even then it was hardly ever. Since she has turned one I let her watch peppa pig in the car on our journey home. It's like her calm down time before we get in and it's time for bed. I actually now think tv is ok in small doses. I wouldn't personally have it on all day as Mia would probably just watch it all day rather than playing. Haha!
Mia's diet has been something I have been very strict with. I only give Mia home cooked meals. I don't use any baby jars. I personally wouldn't want to eat a jar of pasta that looks like slop so why would my baby? I don't judge people who use them. It's just not for me. It would definitely make life easier to use them but also I think jars cost more than cooking your own food. I also have a post about storing fresh food for your baby or toddler.