
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Weekly moans

So I thought I would add a new spin to my blog 'weekly moans' this might not be for everyone, but I do tend to find a great deal of things to complain about during the week, so I figured if I write them all down then, 

1. It's like a weight lifted from my mind. 
2. Some of these things might help those of you who also moan a lot, in the sense that you can moan with me! Yay!
3. It gives me at least one day a week where I will easily find tons of content to write about! Haha! So I know I will blog at least once a week!

Ok so here goes. This week I have 3 things to discuss which have really annoyed me this week. 

First thing is Mia being unwell. Now I'm not moaning at Mia herself just at the grubby soft play places that keep making her catch horrid bugs! Why can't they just clean their equipment regularly?! It's horrendous at night. She's really struggling to sleep and when your a working mum you really need to function at work, I have a long drive to and from work with Mia in the car so I need to be well alert on the road. 

Second moan of this week is nPower energy we have recently moved into a property and our agent dealt with the transferring of accounts for us (how kind you say, more hassle then it's worth I say!) basically we have two problems. Firstly they spelt Adams surname completely wrong - ok so this is easily rectified. However what's worse is, I always deal with all the utility bills, I'm the best with sorting issues and although I work as well I have 2 mornings a week off so therefore I'm available to call them when Adams working. Now because they have put the account into his name they won't tell me anything! They won't change the account into my name now which is just ridiculous and even if I add myself I'm still unable to set up direct debits or discuss the account, funny they let me make a payment though, they don't mind taking your money!!! So this is just very annoying, now means Adam has to deal with any issues we may have, which if I'm honest most men are pretty bad at! Haha! 

Third moan: petrol prices. Need I say more?! Any of you living in the UK will know how much our petrol prices have risen. it's getting to the point where it's almost too expensive to drive. I miss the days of 70p per litre! I guess it's kind of like the buses though, 79p per adult and 40p for children, alas no more! 

I would love to hear the things that have been getting on your nerves this week. Please leave them in the comments below :)


An absolute must when you've had a night like I've had.....

Sunday 22 September 2013


Ok so that fun day I blogged about yesterday, turns out Mia has caught a horrible cold from the soft play place we visited! Sadly her little friend Alice also has a terrible cold as well which is how we know that was definitely where it was caught. 

It really makes me upset when these things happen because it really puts me off taking her again. It makes me feel like a bad mummy because she had a great time but all I'm thinking is 'we're never going to one of those again during school term time because mummy has to work and can't stay up all night with a sick baby' 
Of course I hate seeing Mia unwell but I am quite aware that she will catch these viruses until she builds up a stronger immunity and in order to do that she needs to be exposed to germs. 

She comes with me everyday to work where I teach children and she is exposed to germs (although not quite on the same scale of number of children as a soft play area) but still we have children coming in and out all afternoon and she has caught the odd cold here and there but it seems each time we go into these soft play places she catches a nasty bug!

You just don't know how often these places are disinfected and cleaned, which I suspect is not very often. 

I know I've said before I'm put off taking her to these cafes the last time she was sick but now I just feel like i should of listened to myself more the last time she got ill. 

I hope she feels well soon and that Alice feels better soon too! 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Friday 20 September 2013

Mia's current favourites

Yes, I am aware the last one isn't a child's toy. Mia is obsessed with tv remote controls. She would happily have a toy box full of just tv remotes haha!

Monday 16 September 2013


So for any of you who know me personally you will know I am a stickler for routine, especially when it comes to Mia's bedtime!

However, since returning to work after the summer holidays and having moved house, therefore my drive home taking about an hour Mia's bedtime routine is completely messed up, boo! The problem is that she is sleeping in the car on our journey home until around 7pm and therefore when 8pm hits she is just not ready to sleep. This is causing me no end of problems for a number of reasons:

1. I no longer have an evening to relax with Adam. 

2. She isn't getting enough sleep, especially on the days I have to get her up at 6:30am for me to go to work early. 

3. She's ending up in our bed more - yes we are giving in! Because when she is battling bedtime for hours and doesn't go to bed until 9:30-10pm and by that point your physically exhausted I can't be done with battling again at 2am when I have to get up for work at 6am! 

4. When I don't get her up in the morning she is sleeping in until 10am! Messing up her breakfast time and bottle. 

Im hoping she falls back into a routine but so far is not looking good. 

Does anyone have any suggestions? I would love to hear them :)

Saturday 14 September 2013

A Tasty Treat

Look what Adam made us last night! 

Camembert and fresh bread..yummy! 

Friday 13 September 2013

A new start

So I started my new job this week. Even though its only part time (two mornings a week) so that it works alongside my afternoon job it's proving to be very tiring. I'm hoping its just because I have just had a lovely summer holiday and am not used to the early mornings - in fact I am not used to being woken up by an alarm
rather than Mia, what's up with that?!

Another exciting thing this week is that Mia has been trying some new food. She now loves pasta with tomato & basil sauce and homemade pizza. I know typically you would think pizza is not very healthy and I'm a healthy eating freak when it comes to Mia but if you make everything from scratch you can be sure of exactly what's in it and limit the bad stuff like salt. Everyone needs some salt and sugar in their diet but just all in moderation. 

How's everyone's week going so far?

Pasta and homemade sauce

This is a really easy, simple recipe to make your own pasta sauce for your little one, combined with tiny pasta shells and its perfect for babies, use bigger pasta or spaghetti for a twist! 

Mia loves this, which I was surprised about because plain pasta is not such a hit and tomatoes on their own she's really not keen on. But combine it all together and she guzzles it down!

For the sauce you will need:

•Fresh tomatoes - vine tomatoes are good for this
•A little bit of garlic 
•Fresh basil leaves

•Skin tomatoes and chop. 
•Put into a sauce pan with a tiny bit of extra virgin olive oil. 
•Add one clove of crushed garlic
•Add a good handful of basil
•Let tomatoes cook down
•Once hot, using a hand blender, blend until a sauce consistency (this sauce is quite thin - it can be used as a soup as well!) but if you combine with your pasta it's coats it nicely.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Poor Mia

So this last week has been pretty hard. Mia has had bad diarrhoea and vomiting which lasted for 6 days. She couldn't keep any milk down at all and at one point she couldn't keep water down either. Very much brought back memories of early morning sickness where I couldn't keep water down and had to be prescribed anti sickness tablets. 

Having a sick baby is horrible. Not only are you mopping up sick and diarrheoa but you feel so helpless. Your baby is unable to communicate verbally with you to tell you what's wrong. This was the worst part for me. We weren't 100% sure what was wrong with Mia and why it was going on for so long and she was unable to tell us so we just felt useless. She was so lethargic for a fair few days as well which was awful, so unlike her and at times we did become quite worried. 

I think she picked it up from one of those baby cafes, you know the ones I have raved about before......hmmm I must admit I'm feeling rather reluctant to visit one again now! But your baby will pick up bugs being around other children, there is no avoiding it really. I mean obviously don't let your baby put the toys in their mouth if you can help it in these cafes as you don't know who's had it in their mouth before or when it was last cleaned. 

Luckily she seems much better now. She is keeping her milk down and solids! Just to get her weight back up now!