Monday, 29 July 2013

Parent parking

Parent and child parking - a wonderful thing the supermarkets are providing for us parents with children under 5. It means we don't have to drag our toddlers and push our babies half way across the car park and try to carry shopping bags in one arm and a toddler in the other. Not only that but it leaves space for our buggies and so we don't bash the hell out of your car door trying to get our babies out of our cars! I love parent and child parking and use it every time I visit the supermarket with Mia. What I don't love though are people who park in the spaces who a) have no kids or b) has kids who are not children but teenagers! 

Today when I was visiting tesco I was loading the car up and spotted this couple who had parked besides me. They kept staring at me and I kept thinking 'oh maybe they want this trolley I'm using' so I continued to put Mia in the car as quick as I could so I could offer them the trolley. It turns out they didn't want my trolley and also had no children with them - the 2 seat sports car should of given it away really and I can only imagine the reason they were intent on staring was because they knew they shouldn't of parked in the space. 

I feel like I'm ranting over something ridiculous but I guess it because I just think its inconsiderate. I would never of parked in a parent and baby space before Mia. The occasions I ever did was late at night when I was 7+ months pregnant, which I think is ok considering it was past 10pm and I was with child technically! Haha! 

I just think some people are rude as it is probably these people who don't appreciate how much easier and more convenient it is for a parent to be as close to the store as possible. For them it is an extra 1 minute to walk to the store and you are freeing up a space for someone who needs it much more than you. I mean you wouldn't take candy from a child would you? So stop parking in our spaces!

Rant over. Back to packing for our move!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Mia's summer favourites!

Some of Mia's current favourite toys this summer! 

What has your baby been loving this summer? 

Healthy snacks for your baby

I am very fussy when it comes to only giving Mia healthy food. For example rusks are one of the snacks I will not buy as they contain sugar. I see no reason for me to give Mia sugar at her age, she gets natural sugars from fruit and she has her whole adult life to eat sugary foods if she chooses. 

Here are a few healthy snacks we give to Mia, all of the packet stuff contains natural fruit and natural ingredients, no sugar or salt in any of them. 

I would love to hear some of suggestions of healthy snacks you give to your babies. 

Packing up

So next week we move into our new home! There is a real mix of emotions from excitement to scared and anxious. It's scary because we are moving from the place we both grew up in to a place that is completely new to both of us. It's about a 40 minute drive from where we are now so we can still see family regularly but not like before where they were just around the corner. Also the house is so much bigger than we were used to and there will be a lot more cleaning and maintenance involved. 

It will be great as Mia will have a nursery and a  separate play room which means all her toys can be mostly contained to one room which we can make 100% baby proof and safe for her to play in. Also for the first time we have a garden! Yay! Granted not a huge garden but a garden all the same! 

I can't wait to do a house tour - I may do a video tour and upload to YouTube, I'm not sure yet as I have been pretty lazy with YouTube recently. Otherwise I will just do lots of pictures for my blog instead. Here is a little snapshot of our new home from the outside! 

Thursday, 11 July 2013


I am already planning for Mia's birthday! I know it's not until November but its her first birthday so its just too exciting to wait! I have been getting quotes for cakes. We are planning a mad hatters tea party! Which cake do you like the best?

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Today I took Mia to a cafe with a children's soft play attached. All the children were 4 and under and they had a garden area, baby area and then an area with a little kitchen, slide and other toys. It was good as there was a safe area for the babies to play and the toys were clean and safe. I have been to other baby play places where the toys look like they could do with a good clean! I also liked the fact that you could order food and drinks and you just pay at the end of your visit. So each child has a numbered ticket and you charge your food etc to your number. This saves you having to keep going in your purse all day!

Mia loved being around the other children! She had so much fun! We went with a friend and her nephew. They were so sweet together, no fighting or pulling each others hair. I think it helps Mia to watch other babies crawling and bein mobile as last night she attempted to reach for a toy by trying to move onto we front. Unfortunately it ended in her smacking her little nose on the ground :( but its all a learning curve. Next time she won't try to kangaroo jump to the toy! Lol 

Monday, 8 July 2013

Too hot!

Aren't Brits funny....we complain about the lack of sun and the complain that's its too hot! Haha! But seriously this weather is too much! Mia is really struggling to sleep at night as are we. It's so sticky and humid :( I love the heat when your on holiday in a lovely air conditioned room! 

We are moving in three weeks! Yay! It's very exciting, it may be that there are a lack of active blogging over the next few weeks for the simple reason of no time :( I have all the packing to do and the paperwork to organise and send off! Moving house is stressful!